certainly at the very least the second man

Apparently it's the 100th anniversary of the birth of Albert Camus! (That is, today it is.) But what's important is that last night I did a silly five-minute set of stand-up as Camus. It was a bit haphazard and there's really only so much time one can bring oneself to devote to a set performed before a roomful of very few people a single time only. Also, it was my fourth performance of the day and there was no way I was having a fifth coffee and it was instead time for a couple of drinks in order to just deal with the feeling of the fact that the previous show had been organized so terribly.

It was really quite easy dressing up as Camus as much as I was willing to dress up as Camus. (I added a scarf to my regular jacket, with the collar turned more up.) At a bar on Halloween just one week earlier, some guy asked me if I was dressed as an intellectual. I said, "no," but then reconsidered, as perhaps I was, but just not for Halloween. Then he came up to me so as to get his buddy to take one of those terrible photos with one guy's arm the other, ridiculed. I thought it was distasteful and inappropriate, but then also what the hell, perhaps it's what you get for going out.

Anyway, it's just a silly thing. Here's to a happy death.